Shmulik Hebrew Audio Learning - Support

About the App

Shmulik Hebrew Audio Learning is a mobile app designed to help users learn Hebrew through audio lessons. It provides a comprehensive collection of lessons covering various topics, vocabulary, and pronunciation. With its user-friendly interface and interactive exercises, it offers an effective way to improve your Hebrew language skills.


Support and Contact

If you encounter any issues or have questions about the app, please feel free to contact our support team.



Q: Can I use the app offline?
A: Yes, you can download lessons to your device and use them offline without an internet connection.

Q: How can I track my progress?
A: The app automatically tracks your progress and achievements as you complete lessons and exercises. You can view your statistics and accomplishments in the app.

Q: Are there in-app purchases?
A: The app offers a free version with limited lessons. You can unlock additional content and features through in-app purchases.